New Beginnings Wellness Programs
A comprehensive wellness education initiative for schools, parents, and the community.
What we do
We Help Young Adults to Make Responsible Choices
Too often we learn that another life has been adversely effected by substance abuse. The mission of the New Beginnings Wellness Program is to educate young adults, parents, and the community about how these temptations can be avoided and how to save so many from making distructive decisions.
Since 1987 NBWP has been making a positive difference at MIAA member schools. Our programs are designed to lead young adults away from a path of bad choices and onto a path toward meaningful, productive, and rewarding lives. We offer a variety of training formats including assembly presentations, classroom discussion, and professional development seminars. We invite you to spend a few minutes to learn more about NBWP and how our programs can have a significant impact on the lives of our children.
Bill Phillips
Founder, Program Director
Number of States where we’ve presented
Number of schools we’ve visited
Number of students we’ve reached
Mission Statement
To promote awareness, acceptance and prevention of drug use (opioids), alcoholism and other dependencies as health issues of grave concern to everyone, with major ramifications to the welfare of the community.
Mission Statement
Our Programs
Guidance and advice for students, parents, and communities.
Our programs are designed for individuals who are struggling with substance abuse, or for those who may be at risk. Each program can be customized for the specific needs of the school and presented from faculty members and guest speakers who are best-suited for the audience.

“The staff at Baird Middle school is still talking about the in-service training you provided at our school during teacher orientation week. We found your presentation to be meaningful and practical for those of us who work with adolescents”
Donna M. Hogan, Interim Principal – Paul R. Baird Middle School

“This program is a great resource for developing and establishing improved school, court and police relationships”
Timothy Scaggs, Assistant Chief Probation Officer – Framingham Juvenile Court

“Packed full with information and facts…high energy, change of pace from the usual programs. Questions and Answers part of forum was exceptional. Thank you”
Jim Poirier, Clerk Magistrate – Norfolk Juvenile Court

New Beginnings Wellness Programs
To promote awareness, acceptance and prevention of drug use, alcoholism, and other dependencies as health issues of grave concern to everyone, with major ramifications to the welfare of the community.